Scouting in Wellesley, MA

Scouting is thriving in Wellesley, offering multiple character building activities for boys and girls. Reach out to these active groups for more information.

Cub Scout Pack 140 /

Boys & Girls Grades K-5, Hardy and the Wellesley Community

Outdoor Activities several weekends per month

Currently operating under the Pack 185 program and leadership 

Cub Scout Pack 185 / 

Boys & Girls Grades K-5, Bates and the Wellesley Community

Outdoor Activities several weekends per month

Scouts BSA Troop 185 /

Boys Grades 5-12 meet Monday evenings at St. Paul's Church

Boy led adventures, service, & leadership to earn Eagle Scout 

Scouts BSA Troop 182 / 

Boys Grades 5-12 meet Sunday evenings at Wellesley Hills Congregational Church

Youth led outdoor adventures, fun, life skills, teamwork, and service

Scouts BSA Troop 182G

Bettina Eikeboom:

Girls Grades 5-12
Youth led outdoor adventures, fun, life skills, teamwork, and service

Venture Crew 42

Boys & Girls ages 14-21 interested in travel and outdoor adventures

Crew members generally meet monthly for social events, outdoor adventures and leadership development.  The youth plan their own program, with male and female adult advisers serving as resources.  Past events have included bowling and pizza, skating, canoeing, Nantucket bicycle and camping trip, zip lining in New Hampshire, White Mountains hut trip, Brownstone Adventure Sports Park (Portland, CT), Mystic Aquarium, Sailing Adventure/BSA Seabase, Islamorada, Florida Keys, Rock climbing gym sleepover, Escape the room, Philmont Scout Ranch trek, New Mexico.  Venture crew members from Crew 42 have individually participated in international Scouting events including Blair Athol Jamborette, Scotland, Asian-Pacific Jamboree, Mongolia and Interamerican Moot, Peru.  

Wellesley Girl Scouts /

Girls Grades K-12. Builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place